Prof. Dr. Jutta Winsemann

Prof. Dr. Jutta Winsemann
Callinstraße 30
30167 Hannover
Prof. Dr. Jutta Winsemann
Callinstraße 30
30167 Hannover
Executive Board
Geology Section
Executive Board
Institute of Geology
Deputy Management
Geology Section
Deputy Management
Institute of Geology
Geology Section
Institute of Geology
Quartenary Geology, Clastic Sedimentology, Basin Analysis

Key points in research and teaching

  • Quaternary Geology
  • Clastic Sedimentology
  • Basin analysis / Basin modelling / Basin dynamics
  • Sedimentation dynamics of supercritical flows
  • Sedimentation dynamics of glacial and periglacial deposition systems
  • Intraplate tectonics and postglacial reactivation of faults
  • Salt tectonics, dynamics of salt rim synclines
  • Geodynamics of active continental margins and fold- and thrust-fault belts

Curriculum vitae

  • Academic career

    2017 - 2021
    Member of the Senate’s Commission for Responsible Research, Leibniz University Hannover

    2015 - 2020
    Member of the Grants Committee on Research Training Groups (German Research Foundation DFG)

    2011 - 2017
    Deputy member of the Senate’s Commission for Equal Opportunities, Leibniz University Hannover

    2010 - 2012
    Executive Director of the Institute of Geology, Leibniz University Hannover

    2007 - 2011
    Member of the University Council, Leibniz University Hannover

    2005 - 2011
    Member of the Senate, Leibniz University Hannover

    2005 - 2007
    Member of the advisory board for the mentoring programme in academia and business, Leibniz University Hannover

    2003 - 2005
    Dean of the Faculty for Geosciences and Geography, Leibniz University Hannover

    1997 - 2007
    Executive Director of the Institute of Geology, Leibniz University Hannover

    since 1995
    Professor for Geology, Leibniz University Hannover

    1993 - 1995
    Assistant Professor (C1), University of Hamburg

    1992 - 1993
    Project Manager, HUT Hannover Umwelttechnik GmbH, Walldorf

    1989 - 1991
    Research assistant, University of Stuttgart

    1988 - 1989
    Research assistant, University of Mainz

    1986 - 1988
    Research assistant, Technical University of Berlin

    1984 - 1986
    DAAD Research Fellow, University of Costa Rica

  • University degrees

    Habilitation degree (venia legendi for Geology), University of Hamburg

    Doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.), University of Stuttgart

    Diploma degree in Geology and Palaeontology, Technical University of Berlin

  • Awards

    Best dissertation award, University of Stuttgart

    1984 - 1986
    DAAD scholarship for Costa Rica