Showing results 131 - 140 out of 140
Bolte J, Baes M, Klotz J. Three-dimensional Finite Element Model of the Andean Subduction Zone. In Kontinentränder: Brennpunkte im Nutzungs- und Gefährdungspotenzial der Erde. Potsdam, Germany. 2005
Clift PD, Pecher IA, Kukowski N, Hampel A. Reply to comment by R. Hesse on "Tectonic erosion of the Peruvian forearc, Lima Basin, by subduction and Nazca Ridge collision". TECTONICS. 2005 Apr;24(2):1-2. TC2005. doi: 10.1029/2005TC001791
Hetzel R, Hampel A. Slip rate variations on normal faults during glacial-interglacial changes in surface loads. NATURE. 2005 May 5;435(7038):81-84. doi: 10.1038/nature03562
Klotz J, Bolte J, Baes M, Abolghasem A, Khazaradze G, Bataille K et al. Observing and modeling the deformation of the Andean subduction zone. In 6th international symposium on Andean geodynamics. Barcelona, Spain, . 2005
Motagh M, Hoffmann J, Kampes B, Baes M, Zschau J. Using long-term coherent points in INSAR to detect interseismic velocity field across the Gazikoy-Saros (Ganos) segment of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF). In AGU 2005. 2005
Hampel A, Adam J, Kukowski N. Response of the tectonically erosive south Peruvian forearc to subduction of the Nazca Ridge: Analysis of three-dimensional analogue experiments. TECTONICS. 2004 Oct;23(5):TC5003 1-16. doi: 10.1029/2003TC001585
Hampel A, Kukowski N, Bialas J, Huebscher C, Heinbockel R. Ridge subduction at an erosive margin: The collision zone of the Nazca Ridge in southern Peru. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2004 Feb 10;109(2):B02101 1-19.
Baes M, Motagh M. Analysis and modelling of the ionospheric error based on GPS observations at the permanent GPS stations. In INTERGEO 2003. Hamburg, Germany. 2003
Clift PD, Pecher I, Kukowski N, Hampel A. Tectonic erosion of the Peruvian forearc, Lima Basin, by subduction and Nazca Ridge collision. TECTONICS. 2003 Jun;22(3):7-1 - 7-16. doi: 10.1029/2002TC001386
Hampel A. The migration history of the Nazca Ridge along the Peruvian active margin: A re-evaluation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2002 Oct 30;203(2):665-679. doi: 10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00859-2