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Shoorcheh B, Motagh M, Baes M, Bahroudi A. Fault Slip Rate of the Kazerun Fault System (KFS), Iran, Investigated Using Finite Element Modeling. Pure and applied geophysics. 2015. doi: 10.1007/s00024-015-1070-5
Spikings AL, Hodgson DM, Paton DA, Spychala YT. Palinspastic restoration of an exhumed deepwater system: A workflow to improve paleogeographic reconstructions. Interpretation. 2015. doi: 10.1190/INT-2015-0015.1
Spychala YT, Hodgson DM, Flint SS, Mountney NP. Constraining the sedimentology and stratigraphy of submarine intraslope lobe deposits using exhumed examples from the Karoo Basin, South Africa. Sedimentary geology. 2015. doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2015.03.013
Steinmetz D, Winsemann J, Brandes C, Siemon B, Ullmann A, Wiederhold H et al. Towards an improved geological interpretation of airborne electromagnetic data: A case study from the Cuxhaven tunnel valley and its Neogene host sediments (northwest Germany). Geologie en Mijnbouw/Netherlands Journal of Geosciences. 2015;94(2):201-227. doi: 10.1017/njg.2014.39
Turpeinen H, Maniatis G, Hampel A. Slip on normal faults induced by surface processes after the cessation of regional extension-Insights from three-dimensional numerical modelling. Geomorphology. 2015 Mai 5;237:79-87. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.12.008
Winsemann J, Lang J, Roskosch J, Polom U, Böhner U, Brandes C et al. Terrace styles and timing of terrace formation in the Weser and Leine valleys, northern Germany: Response of a fluvial system to climate change and glaciation. Quaternary science reviews. 2015 Sep 1;123:31-57. doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.06.005
Wölfler A, Dekant C, Frisch W, Danišík M, Frank W. Cretaceous to Miocene cooling of Austroalpine units southeast of the Tauern Window (Eastern Alps) constrained by multi-system thermochronometry. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences. 2015;18-35.
Wölfler A, Frisch W, Fritz H, Danišík M, Wölfler A. Ductile to brittle fault zone evolution in Austroalpine units to the southeast of the Tauern Window (Eastern Alps). Swiss Journal of Geosciences. 2015;239-251.
Zeumann S, Hampel A. Deformation of erosive and accretive forearcs during subduction of migrating and non-migrating aseismic ridges: Results from 3-D finite element models and application to the Central American, Peruvian, and Ryukyu margins. TECTONICS. 2015 Sep 1;34(9):1769-1791. doi: 10.1002/2015TC003867


Baes M, Sobolev SV. A Modified Wilson Cycle Scenario Based on Thermo-Mechanical model. in AGU 2014. 2014